Swinging is So Fast The Movement Animation Doesn't Even End (Example)

Posted by Steve

Monday, January 11, 2021 11:33 AM

Swinging is So Fast The Movement Animation Doesn't Even End (Example)

Been playing since beta and still don't understand why some people seem to be able to both run faster than anyone else and also instantly stop for perfect accuracy, while I move slow as shit and am constantly punished for shooting before coming to a complete stop despite counter-strafing.

Does Riot consider this clip normal gameplay? Getting gigaswung at mach10 in a split second and dying before he even stands still?


Phoenix on the Frame I Die. On his screen he has come to a complete stop.

This just isn't acceptable, 128 tick my ass. I was on 25 ping and he 16.

On top of that the hitreg today has been disgustingly awful, way worse than usual. Numerous blatant headshots just phasing out of existence.

The worst part is the game isn't always like this. Some days the game feels responsive and fair, and some days sluggish and bullshit. Must be some sort of server issue but today the game has been truly unplayable for me.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/kuq0hs/swinging_is_so_fast_the_movement_animation_doesnt/
  • https://reddit.com/kuq0hs

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