Talent or development?

Posted by Steve

Saturday, May 6, 2023 11:05 AM

How could you tell if someone has talent for the game, or he/she just learned all the stuff along the way ? For me i started fps games with csgo at the bottom, but after a while i reached global elite .In valo im an ascendant now its not a big deal im not even close to being a pro or something but i was wondering that I have talent for this kind of games? Or these are absolutely learnable, the mechanical parts like aim ? I mean of course it is but... Like 100%? Or at least you need some talent for this? And can you tell the difference between two equally good player which is the talent-based and which is the "self-developer" (sorry that sounds weird Im not native english speaker) I didnt mention the gamesense bc imo thats 100% you can learn no matter what, im curious about the mechanics


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/139735j/talent_or_development/
  • https://reddit.com/139735j

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