Tbh, Iron has been fun

Posted by Steve

Monday, February 21, 2022 8:26 PM

I suck at the game and I'm a slow learner in videogames, so I have no expectations to get better in the short run. I was placed in Iron 3, quickly lost my way to Iron 2 and now I'm slowly but steadily going for Iron 1.

Contrary to the experience of most, not a lot of toxicity over there, and games have been more fun. I'm a forever-negative-k/d-bottom-half-of-the-scoreboard player, and people keep giving me "nt" after I screw up as last player alive.

People have been chill and just seem to be having fun there. Maybe I've just been lucky to be on the right matches, but that has been my experience.

So yeah, Iron is cool, 10/10 recommend.
I do miss the coms, though.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/sx9h9s/tbh_iron_has_been_fun/
  • https://reddit.com/sx9h9s

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