Team Motivation is KEY to a victory!

Posted by Steve

Saturday, December 25, 2021 7:00 PM

When someone tells me to shoot a certain way, or says.. DUDE stop doing that. I end up doing worse right after.

I can top frag or bottom frag.. Sometimes I can't vibe with my teammates decisions.. other times I feel so motivated by my team's personality that I end up getting a lot more kills (and it's part teamwork).

We made huge comebacks at times, because our team didn't blame anyone, and was more encouraging.

The enemy team had huge comebacks when we needed 1 point to win(they needed like 6), because our team got so cocky, and then started to insult each other as the enemy team was getting closer and closer.

I had games where the enemy team made fools out of us early on and told us to FF.. even some of our teammates was willing to give up. Lucky for me, I was feeling hot, that I helped us start to make a comeback.. and was motivating my team a bit.. that even when I started to lose my hot streak, my team was motivated enough to lead us to victory.

Something to think about!



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