Team sabotage/toxicity punishments should act quicker

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, November 8, 2022 4:21 AM

In my bronze ranked game there was an absolute sweaty basement troll of a person smurfing from diamond 3.

Failed to topfrag after 3 rounds and then kept saying that we had to pay in operators so they would keep playing. We won despite this horrible excuse of a human constantly following one of us, making lots of sound and blocking sight when sniping.

Blatant team sabotage by not doing anything but giving away positions and free kills.

There's a special place in hell for you, Reyna. Couldn't even take responsibility. Also, it's hard to type this without cursing.

Maybe a vote that could act faster with a smaller punishment, like a timeout vote to just not let them spawn for a round or a few. But I think my idea might be quite flawed.



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