Posted by Steve
Monday, November 16, 2020 3:52 AM
I know riot has tried to balance players leaving the game with little things like extra money and ultimate points however, when someone leaves in round 4 and you lose the game by only a few rounds and get rating decreaased, it feels like a punch in the gut. The other team had an extra player the entire game, all of our placed above them in the leaderboard and yet we didn't even earn a slight decrease. There needs to be some sort of softener on the rating system for having an afk player for an entire game. And to stop people from abusing it they should base it on how many rounds the player was gone for.
Edit: for everyone saying it would be abused there are plenty of ways to stop that from happening for example more rating loss for the leaver, not softening the elo hit for people in the leavers party, etc.
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