Posted by Steve
Sunday, November 13, 2022 8:41 PM
I'm currently plat 3 and I play fill (which basically means I play smokes every game).In almost every ranked game I have played for the past 3 splits, the first 3 characters locked in will be Chamber, Jett and Reyna.
At least 2 out of those 3 people will bottom frag if not all 3. They generally have a worse understanding of how the game works and typically only communicate after they die, if at all.
If you are leaning into these 3 characters because you think it's helping you "carry" your games. You are probably wrong. This is born out by the statistics as well. Go to any stat tracking website and look at agent win percentages in ranked.
I firmly believe playing these 3 characters is stunting the growth of Valorant players, because they equate "I got lots of kills this game" with playing well or poorly and are missing out on understanding fundamentals.
Communication, good utility usage/awareness, economy, positive attitude and mini map awareness are all as important as good aim, will win you just as many games and are all far more easy to be consistent with on a day to day basis.
So the next time you look up the profile of the Fade, Brimstone, Killjoy or Sage on your team and wonder why they have a lower ADR than you but a way higher win percentage. Remember, it's because Valorant is a team game and shooting people in the head is only a small part of it.
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