Tell me about your warm-up routines

Posted by Steve

Friday, January 28, 2022 12:31 PM

Hey! I'm a gold-plat player, and I'm not necessarily hardstuck, but more like "halted." So the thing is: I often like to play some valorant with my buddies after school. But I pretty much never warm-up.

We often play 2-4 matches, and the first two I hit no more than 12-14 kills. (Not exactly, but it's a rough estimate.) BUT during these matches I get some practice and I warmup, and the next matches I hit often times 20+ kills. And yeah, I know it's stupid so I wanna change it up, and have a better time. - Now, here comes the thing: I need a good warmup. So I decided to ask reddit for some inspiration, as of now I'm thinking about this warmup:

  • Some time on Aimlabs, to get my hands warmed up
  • Then Valorant's range: Some flicking, spray control, retakes, etc.
  • Finally a DM or two, and a quick match of spike rush or smth.

However I'm actually quite unsure if this will be a good one. I am primarily looking for a good warmup for a semi aggressive approach, (Initiator/Duelist.) What are your guys warmup routines?



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