Thank you Riot!

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, January 25, 2022 6:02 AM

Hey guys, just wanted to make a appreciation post because of what you guys have done for my younger brother.

My Younger brother (15) has a speech impediment and has always struggled to get into competitive shooters since he was scared of giving coms because of his speech, In CS it was instant bullying when they heard him speak, but in Valorant it’s way less common, I think the main problem was people would say relentless stuff to him on CS knowing they probably won’t be punished but now with a game that actually doesn’t tolerate harassment he has a bit more confidence knowing people will hold back a little.

I know it’s the internet, I know cyber bullyings always gonna be a thing, but I’m just happy to see him be able to gain some confidence and be able to do something he enjoys without being harassed because he Speaks a little different. He’s made friends through Valorant which he struggled with in cs and I’ve seen his overall mood kinda change when it comes to gaming.

so yeah that’s all I know it was a long post but I just wanted to make sure riot knows how much we appreciate them. Thank you.



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