Thank you.

Posted by Steve

Sunday, February 7, 2021 12:31 AM

I just hopped off probably one of my best matches ever, not in terms of kills or round difference, but in terms of teammates. It was an Immortal/Diamond 3 match and I'd been having a pretty bad day overall, not performing up to my usual standards and just being an overall burden. My teammates had apparently gone through the same experience too. We ended first half 3-9, with me being ESPECIALLY bad. My teammates never got toxic, kept buying me guns and supported each other. And guess what? We ended that match 13-11 with me and Jett sharing top. We all just kept a positive mindset and that paid off for us.

So I'd like to say thank you. Not only to my teammates, but to everyone that tries to stay positive even when things don't go your way. Remember that there's always a chance, even if you're doing bad.



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