Thank You, To Those Who Need It Most.

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, September 20, 2022 8:41 AM

To those just preparing sites, planting the spike, and holding flanks, thank you.

To those duelists taking a beating but hitting for "140," thank you.

To those who are having a really bad game but are staying positive and calling out, thank you.

To those who buy for the bottom frag, regardless of their KDA, thank you.

To those afraid to use their mic (or can't), but provide pings and text callouts, thank you.

To those who want to be toxic or backseat but hold back, thank you.

We see you. GLHF.

Edit: Wow, did not expect the reception this post got. Thank you for all the kind comments and awards. Take care of each other and lets all strive to be better in game (and out). And thanks to the Valorant team!



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