Posted by Steve
Tuesday, January 11, 2022 11:48 PM
First of all I wanted to say that I went from gold 3 last season to diamond 2 currently. It's not the most impressive climb, but with work and life I'm proud to have climbed without investing crazy amounts of time.
Now what is the 30/40/30 rule? You may be familiar with this, but it is the idea that 30% of your games will be lost no matter what. The other team will have an radiant smurf, cheater, or you will have players throwing on your team. On the other hand you will win 30% of you games pretty much no matter how you perform. You may have the smurf or the other team can just have an afk.
Now the 40% is the most important in climbing and improving your game play and mental. This 40% is around the percentage of games that directly are affected by how you perform. The 10-13 games or 13-15 games that you could have won if you played better in the course of the game.
Now why is this rule beneficial?
It's to take your focus off of your teammates and to look at your own play. If you want to climb in valorant the only thing that matters is you. Whether you are iron or radiant if you are having trouble climbing, the only common factor in these games is your performance.
You can't keep blaming your 9/13 jett for failing to get 20+ kills or blaming the sage for not walling mid on split. Your main focus should be yourself and your own play. Did you rotate when you didn't need to? Did you not keep in mind that there could be one person lurking? Did you frag chase and throw the round?
Ultimately to climb we need to carefully think about our play, and yet not be too hard on ourselves. A loss is sometimes unavoidable and many players get tilted from these games but just brush it aside. Think about how you died and how you could have played better. If you played it perfectly and your teammate didn't trade, ignore it. By building good habits and growing your game, eventually these habits you build will help you climb and have better fundamentals than people who are in your rank and lucksacked a 13 game win streak to get there.
Mental is a huge part on valorant, and instead of blaming try to see how you can improve your own game.
Best of luck friends
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