The amount of toxicity and trolls in this game has increased. How do you all deal with toxic teammates aside from muting them?

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, January 4, 2023 5:19 AM

I was playing an Unrated game because I know I’m potato. I want to practice and get better. Today, I had to deal with 3 other toxic players. I hated myself for not muting them in agent select as they were already flaming this player who’s ign was Ashley assuming it was a girl. They were so toxic the entire game except Jett (Ashley). This Fade kept saying “shut the f*** up, b****” to me and Jett. Fade even told me to suck his d***. It was so unpleasant I had to beg to surrender. I requested through voice we surrender because they were so toxic plus Jett already disconnected. Just so you know I have the enemies muted for peaceful gameplay but maybe it’s time I should mute teammates who get toxic. The thing is I want to communicate for good coordination. How do go on with encountering these kind of teammates? I’d honestly take those distasteful comments from the enemies rather than the team.



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