Posted by Steve
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 1:28 AM
This system exists to help curb the needless loss of RR (and everyone's time) in the case someone abandons at the beginning of a game. However, it does the absolute bare minimum and usually does not accomplish its goal.
Here are two ways to fix this:
Allow remakes to be done on round 3.
A lot of people will go AFK and/or quit at the end of round one. Either they don't like their teammates, their computer/internet quit on them after they got into the game, or they're just a jerk. This means they will still be spawned on round two, and the game canmot be remade if they are not fully "abandoned" by the time round 2 starts (in which case they would not be spawned. Increasing the remake allowance to include round 3 would fix this problem.
Make it so only half the remaining team is required to say yes to a remake
This is a team game where you can queue with any number (besides 4) of friends to enter a competitive match. This leads quite often to a situation where someone is queued with the person that left.
"Don't worry, they're coming back."
I've had multiple games personally where this situation arises. A person goes AFK at the start of the game, we try to remake and just one person votes no. They don't want to remake because then they will have a queue timer when the friend comes back.
This is a scumbag move. Losing rounds at the start of a game because your teammates gave you an inherent disadvantage is not only demoralizing, but can and will absolutely affect the end result of a game. We've all had matches where it was very close at the end, or that ended up going into overtime because your team was down a person for just a round or two. It sucks.
Hell, even requiring 3/4 of the votes to say yes is infinitely better than requiring all 4 to remake. I'm sure if the developers have a way to pull up these statistics, a majority of logical surrender and remake votes will fail because of 1 person voting no.
All in all, most comp games will have people that queued together in them. And most of the people queued together won't allow a remake to happen if it has a chance to negatively affect their friend. This system needs to be updated.
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