Posted by Steve
Saturday, January 21, 2023 4:07 PM
Whenever I look at profiles of top 100 players, almost every single time if I go back to their first act they were already immo/radiant due to previous experience in csgo/etc. Only occassionally will I find a player that placed plat/diamond and I've only found someone that placed gold a couple times (tho every single one of these players climbed to immo extremely quickly). I've NEVER found someone that placed in low elo and had a long extended grind to immo that eventually became high radiant. Until today. I've never heard of this guy before but the current 900rr Rank 1 placed in silver and took 3 episodes of playing 200+ games every single act to reach immo, and only just reached radiant at the end of ep4.
As someone that's been in low elo for an extended amount of time, I don't get motivation and inspiration from the pros that were already radiant from the start due to csgo or extremely talented players who climbed to immo in a few hundred hours but I get motivation from those who had to grind their way there. This dude placed silver and is now radiant 1 900rr. Idk who this dude is but extremely inspiring imo. He has his twitter and twitch linked on his tracker, yall should give him a follow TNX Car#son's Competitive Multiplayer Overview - Valorant Tracker
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