The Future of Aim Training & A Question from me to the Community

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, December 9, 2020 1:28 PM

The Future of Aim Training & A Question from me to the Community

The Future of Aim-Training for Valorant, and an inquiry to the r/VALORANT community


Hey guys it's Twix again, your (let's be real, probably not) favorite Valorant coach and guide contributor. I am making this post to inform you all of the (in my opinion) future of Aim Training, and ask you all to be a part of it with me.

For those of you that don't know me, I am a previously competitive CS player and top 1% aim trainer grinder with numerous achievements across multiple FPS games including top 500 in Apex, that focuses mainly on the mechanical components of coaching in FPS games. I have been dedicating my entire coaching schedule to Valorant since the game was in closed beta, and have worked with people ranking from iron to immortal, playing with friends or on teams, all with unanimously positive feedback. If you are interested in finding out more about my coaching services, or want to chat with a friendly, improvement / training oriented FPS community make sure to join my Discord server here:

Click on this text to be taken to my Discord server! alternatively:

Now, I know the "future of aim training" and asking you to be a part of it comes off as a tad dramatic, maybe even sounds like I'm pitching you a pyramid scheme sort of endeavour, but I promise you, I really do believe the following information is going to lead to a very different environment for aim trainers in the coming months (yes, it's that close). This post will not be my stereotypical Guide or "How-to" type of post, but instead, I will give you direct insight into a program / tool I have gotten to test exclusively in the past few months alongside less than 10 people globally (other than the developer team itself), and give you a chance to be a part of this tool's launch.

P.S. If you haven't checked out my Valorant guides, make sure you visit my profile at and look through my pinned posts, I'm sure you'll find something useful to you, regardless of your skill level. Sidenote, I hope you're all well & safe during the challenging times this global pandemic has presented us with!

Contents of this Post:

  1. Introducing the Creator Studio
  2. How you can be a part of the Creator Studio's Launch
  3. A special thank you to the community
  4. Discord Server & Twitter Links


Introducing the AimLab "Creator Studio"


As you may or may not know, I made a post a while back in the r/FPSAimTrainer subreddit stating my opinion on the advantages and disadvantages of the AimLab software, and how it stacks up against Kovaak's, you can find the post here. My main concern with AimLab as an aim trainer, was the fact that the sheer amount of available content within Kovaak's vastly surpassed the few pre-set stock tasks that AimLab provided it's playerbase with, but why is that? The reason Kovaak's had such a huge advantage over AimLab, wasn't due to the fact that it was a superior program fundamentally, but due to the fact that Kovaak's users have the ability to create their own "scenarios" and upload them to the workshop, while AimLab till now, didn't allow that as an option. However, as I stated in the aforementioned post, I have been testing a tool called the "Creator Studio" which the AimLab team has developed as their version of a map creation tool and let me tell you, the difference between it and the Kovaak's map creation is night and day.

Here is an example of what scenario editing looks within the Kovaak's client:

Kovaak's Scenario Editor (Public Beta)

As you can tell, the UI for the scenario editor in Kovaak's looks very primitive and barebones, (keep in mind this is also the public beta branch version, the live version looks even less impressive).

Now here is an example of what the CreatorStudio tool looks like:

AimLab Creator Studio (Alpha Client)

This is an extremely simple implementation of the features that AimLab's Creator Studio provides the user with, and still, you can instantly very clearly identify both a visual and functional difference between "Creator Studio" and the Kovaak's alternative. What's great about CS (Creator Studio) is that it allows for a user such as myself, with no in-depth background on map design / creation, to hop right into the editor and be presented with a plethora of pre-set objects and spawners which they can customize to their liking.

What's nice about this format is that it allows for begginer creators to still have an accessible baseline to go off of, while simultaneously allowing more advanced creators to utilize a plethora of tools and parameters in order to create not only a "task" as you can in Kovaaks, but an entire map you can use to train on. Imagine that rather than just being able to create a map where you click on targets laid out on a wall, you were able to recreate a 1:1 copy of a Valorant bombsite, in which you can program bots to spawn where you want, and act how you want.

As you may have also noticed, another interesting and in my opinion extremely useful feature in CreatorStudio, is that it allows you to see how the bots you have spawned will act within the map without actually play-testing the map. This means that as soon as I create a bot and tweak it's parameters for it to behave the way I want it to, I can see how that would look like in-game without having to actually initiate a play-test. This helps immensely with creators' workflow.

There are tons more features coming along with CS, one of the most notable being -actually accurate- in depth improvement oriented analytics, but that's something for another post.


How you can be a part of the Creator Studio's launch


There is no confirmation on the release date of the Creator Studio into live access as of now, but as someone actively involved in the testing & development of the tool, I can confidently say that the largest amount of work in relation to filtering out game-breaking bugs and major inconveniences is over with. I've discussed ETA with the dev team on multiple occasions and as of now, if nothing unexpected comes up the tool itself should be going live within the next 2 months (before February).

Blurred peoples' names just in case they didn't want their participation disclosed.

Now, as I'm a part of the creator team in charge of implementing a baseline of functional maps that will go live along with the release of the Creator Studio, I thought it would be a good idea to ask you guys as a community to give me some insight in relation to what sort of maps you would like to see introduced in the Creator Studio.

I don't want you guys to suggest an already existing Kovaak's scenario, but instead suggest something unique, maybe even something that was previously impossible to create within the Kovaak's scenario editor tool. For your suggestions, since reddit comments can be a bit messy, join my server and go to the "map suggestion channel" and make your suggestions. Please include an explanation of why you would think X map would be useful for training Valorant mechanics, and try to keep your write-ups within one post:

Map Suggestion Channel

For those of you concerned about being unable to substitute some of the core Kovaak's tasks with AimLab (CS) tasks, more specifically Valorant oriented scenarios from my guides, I have something especially for you!


A special thank you to the community


I was recently approached by Kermit of the AimLab team while working on the Creator Studio, and was asked on which Kovaak's tasks I would like to see directly recreated in AimLab to go along with the Creator Studio's live launch. Due to the nature of my posts on this sub, and the clear demand that this community and the members of my server have for Valorant-oriented aim training tasks, I have chosen the maps that will be cloned / ported over to AimLab to be the same maps "starred" as crucial in my updated Valorant training routines.

What this means is that you'll be able to play all of my Valorant related scenarios available in Kovaak's, in AimLab once the Creator Studio update goes live for the public. So, all of you which will be making the transition from Kovaak's to AimLab once CS launches will be able to continue grinding my playlists, but even better, those of you who can't afford Kovaak's or aren't willing to pay for aim-training, will now have access to the exact same experience (if not better cause of more appealing UI and general visuals) without having to pay a single dollar. Hope you all enjoy what AimLab has to offer going forward.

You can find my Valorant training routine posts pinned on my profile, but right now, I want to say thank you to Kermit of the AimLab team for being the absolute best in terms of being helpful and devoted to his role in the progression of AimLab as a whole.

Much thanks to Kermit!


Discord Server & Twitter Links


Click on this text to be taken to my Discord server!

Click on this text to be taken to my Twitter!

Much thanks to all of you for giving me such positive feedback to in response to my guides, stay safe & well, and keep grinding!



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