The future flash update / initiators nerf

Posted by Steve

Saturday, October 1, 2022 12:31 PM

If you're not aware, riot plans to nerf self flashes for initiators and buff them for duelists, while buffing flashes for teammates

[Here's their reasons] (

I understand the logic behind it, they want to encourage initiators to play more like initiators and flash for their teammates and less self flashes to prevent them to play like duelists. Pro teams are gonna love this, it's definitely a good thing for them.

But let's be honest, 99,99% of us aren't pro, we all play ranked and if you've ever played ranked you know there's no teamwork.

Initiators are just gonna be weaker and duelists stronger, almost like we don't already have too many people wanting to play duelist in ranked. It's gonna be a fuckfest and really hurt the game. I hope I'm wrong, but to me it's a really bad change.

One of the reasons I love this game is how flexible your gameplay can be. You can play super safe sage or battle sage like grim, supportive Kayo or aggro kayo. By nerfing their versatility, you're just locking players in one single specific role and it's just boring. Kayo and Skye are never gonna be better duelists than Reyna or Jett in ranked, you don't need to force people to play a certain way.



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