The Guardian remains perfectly accurate when tapped at 195bpm - I knew metronomes were good for something!

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, January 25, 2023 6:02 AM

The Guardian remains perfectly accurate when tapped at 195bpm - I knew metronomes were good for something!

We all know that the Guardian actually shoots pellets of pure dopamine, but I came across a really useful tip to actually get the most out of it; the guardian remains perfectly accurate when tapped at 195bpm (possibly a little higher, but it starts to lose accuracy by 200bpm so if it can go faster, it's not by much).

Knowing this, my play with the gun immediately improved after running around in a few DMs with a metronome ticking in the background. At least for me, I intuitively want to tap much slower with the gun and practicing with the metronome (something I don't even do when I play bass...) has really helped to re-train that intuition and get the actual fire-rate more solidly in my head.

When you get used to it, the Guardian feels far more reliable and a lot less reliant on killing with the first shot. Here's an example clip (audio on obviously) where you should be able to hear it in action with the kills on Neon and Skye in particular:

Anyhow, I found this tip really useful and I hope it helps some of you too :)


Edit: Some people in the comments asked for information on other guns so I've done a little bit of testing. I'm not sure it's as optimal with these guns to aim for the 'perfect' reset time since faster BPMs are usually accurate for the first few shots anyway and you'll reset it slightly when you strafe/move but for those interested, the ballpark figures are:

Ghost: 205BPM

Sherrif: 120BPM

Vandal: 175BPM

Phantom: 180BPM

(Only tested in increments of 5BPM)

If you're going to use a metronome to practice these guns though, I'd recommend hopping into a practice range and checking out the trade-off as you increase the beat; as I say, despite these (to the best of my knowledge) being the time it takes to fully reset recoil, I expect the optimal beat to practice to is slightly higher as, for example, the Vandal still seems accurate on the first ~10 shots at 180BPM and you're never going to stand in one place and tap >10 times. It only works so well with the Guardian because missing a shot is so punishing (IMO); it did feel like it could also have some real use for the pistols though in long range engagements.


Credit goes to Philomentus on youtube - in particular, this video: (he suggested 180BPM and a comment corrected him to 195BPM)



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