The gunplay in Deathmatch feels incredibly inconsistent.

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, December 14, 2021 1:00 PM

As someone that uses deathmatch to warm up and plays it during quite patches at work, the gunplay in deathmatch recently has felt off and inconsistent.

I’m particular I’m talking about how it feels versus certain players. I’ve loaded into games where certain players are killing me in milliseconds after I show, and my bullets aren’t landing when it really feels like they should be. These aren’t even the topfraggers or best players in the game. It always feels like certain players just have an inherent advantage from the get go in DM.

Likewise I’ll have a game where I can literally do no wrong, I’m winning every duel even if it’s with the guardian or sheriff only, people suddenly seem to be playing with 1 second reaction times and it’s easy. People teleport into my bullets. These two antithetical games can be one after another.

I can go from a game where it feels like I have the priority to a game where everyone is able to see me first/register first.

I don’t really see this occur as often in actual games but sometimes it does.

Am I going nuts or have other people felt this too? I have stable 20 ping, relatively okay fps in the 150-200 range. My packet loss is almost always 0.

And yet there will be games where, taking aim and reaction out of it, certain players either cannot kill me or I cannot kill them.

This feels a much more recent issue. Be interested to hear people’s thoughts.



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