Posted by Steve
Tuesday, November 3, 2020 12:31 AM
Hey guys! I'm currently in diamond 2, though I have been in diamond 3. Recently I've been getting extremely unlucky with my ques and getting into immortal+ lobbies surprisingly frequently for a hardstuck D2 player.
Part of the reason I'm hardstuck is because of the MMR change for immortal+ lobbies, where once you're past immortal the only thing that determines MMR gained/lost is if the game was a win/loss and how hard did you stomp/get stomped. My problem with this system is that if there is a single immortal in the lobby, then the immortal+ MMR rules apply to everyone in the lobby, despite your own rank.
The most extreme example of this I have is this game:
First of all: I should not even be in this lobby. A Diamond 2 cannot que with radiants.
Second, the game ended in a 7-13 loss for me and I lost two arrows, even though I was the second best player in my team on the scoreboard. I did better than two radiant players, and I still lost two arrows, because this registered as an immortal+ game so the MMR gained/lost is based only on win/loss, even though I am not an immortal ranked player myself.
Another example:
In this game, there is only one immortal in this entire lobby. This single immortal registers the entire lobby as an immortal+ game, and because of that I lost two arrows, despite being a diamond 2 against an immortal 1, and top fragging by a large margin and basically 1v5ing the entire game. There is no way I lose more than one arrow if that Reyna was diamond 3, for example.
Thanks for listening to my Ted talk.
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