The impact positive teammates can have on a person

Posted by Steve

Saturday, July 31, 2021 8:12 PM

I'm a bronze player who is pretty inconsistent. I have solo queued on my bad days and it has only made me want to stop solo queueing altogether because of toxicity. One of my friends gave me his plat account to use and I woke up today and felt like hopping onto an unrated from his account in hopes of learning more, getting better and improving consistency. I was a bottom fragging Reyna during the first few rounds but not a single soul yelled at me, called me a noob, told me to uninstall on the contrary for a whiff the sage turned on his mic and said "It's alright, it happens", for the shots that I did make, I got a "Nice shot", for every fail no matter how bad, I got an "NT". I ended up being the second fragger as I felt confident taking more duels and could clear space for the team a little better. After the match was over I feel a lot lighter knowing that I had a good game even if I lost. To all the positive people in valorant, thank you. You have made my day.



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