Posted by Steve
Friday, April 9, 2021 4:07 AM
Everytime I die, I try to give info as quick as possible for my team. So just after I get shot, I try to ping the enemy positions on the map. But between the moment when the camera is on your corpse right after you die and the moment when you switch to an ally's view the map changes position.
So I often ping absurd things resulting in my team not understanding what i'm pinging. Could it be possible to not have this transition or simply disable the map movements?
EDIT to those telling me to use a fixed minimap:
u/CrushforceX put it nicely (in response to "why would you use the rotating map?")
To know where everything is on the map in relation to you. It's a lot easier to understand a ping thats to the right of you if it's always to the right of you on the map
This feature is practival and I like it but it's being ruined by this bug / bad conception. Thank you for letting people know that you can disable it though
The point is not to stop using a good feature but to fix it
EDIT to those telling me to use voice chat:
It's so much harder to communicate a position through voice chat as different players may name some spots differently because of language/habits from other games. You also happen to have this one guy in your team screaming "TO YOUR RIGHT" when he dies but you still have 3 players up so: Who the fck are you talking to? What if your mate you are talking to has moved while you were making your call? It often takes too much time to explain properly / understand the call so it's often too late if not misunderstood.
So pinging the map is the most reliable communication method while playing a round.
Finally i'm playing in an elo where most people don't use voice chat for anything else than reminding you that you just missed a clutch so i'm not using it. I'm sorry for not being radiant like most of you :)
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