Posted by Steve
Saturday, July 9, 2022 7:29 AM
TLDR: Grievers are not the reason you can not climb. Its a lot of work to get into higher Ranks because there is competition for it. If you really want to climb make sure to have the time and mental to put the effort in it.
On here I read a lot about Players who think they cant climb because of something and their team. We all heard it and its the same with every competitive game. AFKs, Trolls, Smurfs, Noobs etc.
This is not the reason you are stuck in your Elo. And it is not the reason you derank from your Elo. Unfortunately this is a part of most, if not all, team games where you get matched with random people. And again this has nothing to do with your Elo because it is a problem in all Ranks. I am not playing on the highest Rank but I believe it gets better the higher you get because thats what I experienced in the past but every now and then even high Immortal/Radiant players complain about it. Which is totally fine because it is frustrating and sucks.
The reality is if you think you should climb but you don't, you either do not play enough games in total or your perception of your skill is incorrect. There is a 9x chance in your game to have 1 or multiple grievers. 5 slots on the Enemy Team and 4 on your Team. The odds are in your favor. Only thing you need to do now is outperform your rank consistently.
I am only Dia because I played a lot of CSS and a fair amount of CSGO in my youth highly competitive. Tournaments and Ladders for years. So the fundamentals are easy to me. Positioning and getting advantages or how to bait rotations and all that stuff is already burnt into my head so the only thing I needed to do for Valorant was play to get the feeling. I do not intend to get higher, I have kids now and I remember the work I put in to be at the "Top" in CS and I wont do it again.
This shit is a Sport! There is competition! People say things like "Aim is enough to get to Platin" and that is not wrong but... you know.... there are a lot of other people too and some of them are pretty fucking good so if you actually think your aim alone will let you dump >50% of the player base you gonna need a really impressive HS%
What I am trying to bring to a point here is. If you want to play at a high Elo you need to practice. Top 20%? What would it take to get to the Top 20% Tennis,Soccer,Football,Baseball etc. players of your Country? I know it is not exactly the same shit but it gets somewhat close to that and it seems like no one is really aware of it. This is not Super Mario where in order to beat it you have to get Peach/Radiant.
BUT and that is really important so listen. The lower ranks like I don't know exactly Silver and below probably (cant remember the rank population chart right now) are beatable with only two things.
- Knowing how this game is played on a fundamental basis (Slapping the ball over the net onto the field of the opponent without him being able to smack that ball back to you)
- Playtime (Playing enough matches so you get a feeling on how hard or soft you need to hit the ball or how fast or slow you need to move in order to catch the ball)
If you are not completely untalented these two thing should in theory, like in every other sport, make you better then the majority.
Please let me know what you think about my take and lets discuss all the flaws you find in my logic to help me open up my mind.
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