The Phoenix theory

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, December 23, 2020 5:33 AM

After having soloq experience in bronze, silver, gold, and plat lobbies, I have come up with a theory after observations during my recent losing streak.

It's called the Phoenix theory, as shown in the title. This theory dictates that if anyone locks in Phoenix, they will either be top or bottom frag. There is usually little variety and this exists on both teams too. Your phoenix will either be hard inting and going 11-20 or will be sweeping the enemy team going 32-5.

Now this post is mainly satirical but I think the reason behind this is bc if there's a smurf they'll usually play Phoenix or if it's a new player they'll play Phoenix since his kit is simple and self sufficient.

Thanks for coming to my ted talk

Edit: I said this post was SATIRE. Don't take this seriously and stop commenting about how "it happens in all elos" or "it's the same with every duelist" or "because duelist" or "no it's reyna"



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