The playerbase got upset when Omen was the must-have pick every single game but Jett does not get the same treatment despite enjoying a near 100% pick rate in both teams. How come?

Posted by Steve

Saturday, July 24, 2021 2:55 AM

There is rarely a game without Jett being picked in both teams nowadays and I'm curious why it's okay for Jett to be a permanent must-have pick but it wasn't okay when it came to Omen. No agent has a pick rate even close to Jett. People definitely had an issue with Omen being the must-have pick every single game and there being no diversity, but Jett somehow dodges both nerfs and community outrage despite enjoying a near 100% pick rate in both teams. I realize most teams use 1 controller and 2 duelists, but the sentiment remains the same.



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