The punishment for losing a game with an AFK on your team should be significantly lower.

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, March 16, 2021 11:33 AM

We all know that a game with an AFK on your team is going to be really hard to win. We should not be getting punished super hard for losing a game where we are at a significant disadvantage. It is already super hard to gain rank in competitive with the new changes. Why am I losing 30 rating in a game where I have 2 AFK teammates? The penalty at the very least should be lessened in a game where one of your teammates goes AFK. Losing the maximum amount of rating for a game that was unwinnable should not happen. It makes getting an afk on your team so infuriating knowing that the game is going to be impossible to win AND on top of that you are going to be punished for something that is not even your fault.



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