The Rank Reset Is Making Me Improve

Posted by Steve

Monday, January 16, 2023 10:07 AM

For reference before the reset I was an Ascendent 1 player, I knew I had stuff to work on mainly my raw aim as though my crosshair placement is well trained from CS and I have put a lot of time into learning utility usage, positioning, and that act I had vastly improved my movement. I want to be Immortal, and being placed in Ascendent or High diamond would have made that just a matter of time. With the reset I realize that in order to accomplish what I want I have to get better, for the first time since my CS days I am having a dedicated practice routine for aim. It is new, refreshing, and honestly the exact motivation I have needed.

Now I do think that the reset may have been a tad harsh, but overall I think there are many things people can take away from this reset. It forces you to play and improve to get where you want to go, it also is making higher ranks more exclusive which I think is best for the health of the game.



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