Posted by Steve
Tuesday, March 2, 2021 8:55 AM
I'm a player that (much like many others) have responsibilities that affect how much time I can spend on this game. I'm a student. For others it might be their job or their family. Regardless, we try to put the spare-time we have left into this game.
Many of you are familiar with the rank rollback last act, which resulted in many players being a lower rank than in the previous act. This wouldn't be an issue if we had all the time in the world to re-gain our rank. Last act I ended at plat 3, and would have loved to continue from there. Although, with the rank reset, I've been in gold for this whole act, only having enough time to play a total of 15 matches in two months. That hasn't been close to enough to reach plat 3 again at all. Maybe next act.
With the upcoming rank-changes at least players like me won't suffer from rank resets, but now we will instead have to play an average of 20% more matches to gain rank. (Wins/losses will now give an average Rank Rating of 5 less)
With all this being said, I'm starting to have hope for the ranked system again with the game moving in the right direction, it's just a shame we had to lose two months of potential to climb the ranks.
What do you think? Do you relate to what I've shared or am I talking a bunch of smack? Would love to hear your thoughts.
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