The ranking system is fine. Here's why

Posted by Steve

Saturday, February 20, 2021 4:50 PM

We get it, you're hardstuck in gold and you were D1 last season. But the timeless tale of "I lose more RR on a loss than I get on a win" is actually the system working. Do you know why? Get a big glass of water so you can swallow this giant, two foot long pill shaped like your father leaving your family as a child.

Because when you lose more MMR than you gain, that means you're losing to people who are worse than you, and MMR systems punish you more for this.

First of all, your Rank and your RR is NOT your MMR. Yes, you might be the same rank as the people you just lost to. But everyone has a HIDDEN MMR that is used in your RR calculations post-match. You're netting point losses because you're on your way DOWN to Bronze where you belong, you sniveling bumbus. Simply, your MMR > Opponent's MMR. And you lost to them... Pathetic. The MMR system sees this and is wondering WHY you just lost to a noob. Cue your MMR getting TANKED. Conversely, when you 13-4 massacre someone with lower MMR, the algo sandbags your gains because it expected you to win.

Buh buh buh... BUT my immortal friend said he can't keep his rank either!!!

Immortals experience this a lot as well because there are so FEW people with higher MMR than them. In order for them to maintain rank, they need a much higher winrate than the rest of the player base. So don't equate their experience to your hardstuck story, because it's different. They're losing MMR because most of the people they play against have less MMR than them.

Play the game, accept the fact that, yes, you do suck, and no, you aren't significantly better (or worse) than your fellow Jett insta-lock teammate who failed 7th grade 3 times. People who deserve to rise in MMR will rise. Focus on the important things in life, like enjoying this game.

tl;dr we all suck, get over it.

edit: my inbox has been blowing up with absolutely tear-jerkingly tragic stories about how the system is broken because "I only climbed 3 ranks this season and suddenly I'm losing more MMR than I gain! Rito is stopping me from climbing after 100 games!1!?"

This post is not a hate-fest for hardstuck players; let's use our brains here and think about the story above... Not a single person has complained about de-ranking from the elusive RR-losing bug



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