Posted by Steve
Tuesday, November 10, 2020 11:33 AM
I can’t attest for other ranks since I’m hard stuck plat but the smurfs and what not are so bad. I went from D1 to g3 and now bouncing between g3 and p2.
Smurfs hurt the ranking in more ways that one. Smurfs that bully on lower ranks make it harder for those to reach their actual rank. Smurfs will also carry people. For example I had two unranks drop 30 on us while their plat 1 omen had 2 kills. The other team told us the omen was being carried. Now what happens is that omen plays without his/her friends and gets on my team in a plat 2 Elo. We’re stuck with a probably bronze player while the other team is actually made up of all plat elo players and that’s hoping they don’t have a smurf.
As a plat 1 I ended up in a game with a silver 3? How is that even possible. The other team have a gold 2 that drops 30 hitting shots diamonds don’t hit.
Anytime I derank to gold 3 and actually in a gold lobby with no smurfs I drop 30 kills and people think I’m Smurfing, which in a way I am without trying to.
Also, I think if you have match MVP but still lose you deserve up arrows. It’s crazy to me that I can carry a team of people that can’t get 10 kills, do better than the whole other team but still get deranked
TLDR: smurfing player not only destroy the elo of the other team but boost friends or just people on the other team that don’t deserve the rank. This hurts the people they end up playing with.
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