The remake feature should be until round 5 or 6.

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, December 2, 2020 12:45 AM

I just played a game (ended 4/13 we lost) and our Cypher dc’d on round 2 and didnt come back at all. We did bad on def bc the other 3 ppl on my team were a toxic 3 stack not saying anything to me or giving me comms and earraping me while i was clutching and every time i said anything at all i was told to stfu we are all plats ur hardstuck silver (even though im match mvp’d)

The remake system is still relatively new but leaving on round 1 and not being able to do it after is bs. We couldve stood a chance if cypher didnt leave and now my rank is suffering bc this shit game doesnt have anyway to detect an afk or a pro phoenix on the other team 1 tapping me every round. Thank you for your time and please bring light to this.

tldr: remake should be if someone is afk until round 5 or 6 and 4 players agree on it while their teammate is afk. Would mean so many ranks wouldnt be lost due to unfair circumstances.



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