Posted by Steve
Friday, January 29, 2021 10:21 PM
Hi, first post here and I'm just going to jump right in. Was playing unrated with some friends last night as a 4 man, the 5th player (random) selected Pheonix, didnt say anything during agent select while we 4 were talking and trying to get 5th player to talk too, being friendly and all, no toxicity. We get in game on Split, first pistol round he runs into B solo while we 4 (who had called we were doing an A + sewers split) were on the other side of the map now executing an A hit. He DC's... But he spawns in 2nd round, and just sits AFK in spawn. I tried to /remake but as he is still technically in the game it doesnt work even though the system had said player X has disconnected. Anyhow, he DC's mid round 2. Now we are 4v5 for round 3 and 4. He comes back!! Reconnects! Then has the audacity to ask us 4 to kick him? I tell him 'this isnt CSGO, there is no kick option you pillock'. Then he says 'pls I have to go my competition'... Like why join a game if you have to go to a competition you stupid donut!! Then he begs us to FF, as if us 4 were going to... Literally the thickest slice of bread I had ever played with. So for the remainder of the first half he DC's and reconnects multiple times, then the same for the 2nd half, and then he starts trolling us, team damage with molotov etc, passing info to enemy team. Anyway point of this post... Wake up and smell the coffee Riot, your remake system needs to be more than just a mere 'only remake if someone dc' s before round 2', or add a kick option, or a bot of the agent who was kicked or DC's that other players can take over, like in CSGO. Or add both, fml. Or make it so those players who DC/AFK and reconnect 3 times (minimum) just get booted (I understand that people aho genuinley want to play that match may just DC because of bad ping, but perhaps sort your ping out before playing?). The current system is daft and has more holes in it than my mother's Swiss cheese... Smh
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