The rumored Astra star price changes is NOT a buff, it’s a readjustment / nerf

Posted by Steve

Saturday, June 19, 2021 9:24 AM

I keep seeing people freaking out that astra got buffed considering her power level. But if you do the math, the price decrease for stars isn’t actually a buff, but a readjustment/nerf depending on how many stars you buy

Rumored Changes: -Star Price Decreased from 200=>150 -# Free stars decreased from 2=>1

Number of Stars | Old Price | New Price

1 | Free | Free

2 | Free | 150

3 | 200 | 300

4 | 400 | 450

As you can see, the cost is higher for 1-4 stars. At face value it looked like a buff, but if you account for the rumored decreased number of free stars, the math shows it’s a nerf/readjustment, thankfully!



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