The shop has a problem, let's talk about it

Posted by Steve

Friday, September 30, 2022 10:50 AM

The shop is frustrating, why ?

It is limited

There are 529 skins in total for 4 random slots per day, with more skins added every 2 weeks, you have less and less chance to actually have the one you've been waiting for months.

Solutions :

- Make it so once per month (or per season) you can "ask" the one skin you actually want to buy.

- OR even better : making the shop bigger and making theses old full bundle come back.

~~Why not both tho~~

Just an idea and ngl i had a shitty Black Markets so it doesn't make it better.

What are your thoughts and feelings about the shop ?

Are you satisfied or not with how you obtain the skins you looking for ?

Thanks for reading my complaining ass and sorry for bad english



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