Posted by Steve
Monday, January 4, 2021 7:57 PM

Official description:"A native of Japan Yoru is able to create gaps in reality itself to sneak into enemy territory unnoticed. Strength and stealth allow him to take enemies by surprise - they won't even have time to understand where death came from. "
All the current Valorant Protocol agents
In the Lore of the game the story is moving forward and each agent joining the Valorant Protocol is classified with an ID card number... so for example Brimstone was first to join as Agent 01 and Yoru was currently last as Agent 15.
Yoru is somehow connected to the Samurai we have seen on Icebox and from what we gathered in the battlepass it seems like he is a descendant of the samurai and came to rescue the armors hence the name "uninvited guest".
(This "uninvited guest" title is also a reference to the "intruder alert" sign on icebox! (He is the intruder))
\"Origin revealed PlayerCard\"
If we are wrong about "Yoru" being a descendant of the Samurai he might have time traveled since we do know that Icebox is located on Bennett island in Russia in the arctic circle and around the year 1800 when this ancient Japanese is from there should have been no other way of getting to icebox unless with "Radianite Rifts"
Ancient Japanese Red Sail Ship on Icebox dated to around 1800 A.D or before
A rift being coded as a wormhole in the game files
wormholes are Rifts between space and time in physics so this is one way of the ancient Japanese ship being able to get to Icebox
Icebox Location in the world 76°44′N 149°30′E
We also have this GunBuddy that references that he might have really come to icebox to save the Japanese armors since they are his Japanese heritage.
Yoru is also a "Radiant" these are people that have been infused with "Radianite" in order to receive their powers

Now he is a "Radiant" agents that have special abilities and with them he seems to Manipulate space and time and with his ultimate he can access other dimensions
We know that different dimensions exist in the Valorant Universe like Earth 67 and that Time travel exists in the Valorant universe
This paper that is flying around Ascent is from the black \"rifts\" we see on Ascent
A rift on ascent that allows time travel (coded as a wormhole in the files)
For More interesting Details Come here and take a look
Can't wait to see what we get with his voice lines ;D
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