The Top Fragger Syndrome

Posted by Steve

Friday, May 12, 2023 11:33 AM

This is something that I have seen in various games and truth be told have been a victim of this vicious disease myself. I name it “The Top Fragger Syndrome” its where the top fragger of the team after about 3 rounds of winning rounds become immune to call outs and strats. In his mind, it is now an aim game and he is unstoppable and nobody should question his decision cause its obviously the right one. You know why? Cause he is the top fragger obviously. If you lose rounds, thats all on the rest of the team because “I am top fragging I can’t be blamed” or “I killed 2 on A, what do you mean you were pushing C. I swear I told you in my head that we are going A” now a fight is not a fight its an ego challenge. How dare three people peek me in mid while I hold in the middle of the B door with a marshal. Its always the enemy or the teammate’s fault. Please if you see anyone experiencing top fragger syndrome tell them these exact words “NOBODY IN THE WORLD CARES IF YOU MATCH MVP EVERY GAME IF YOUR WIN PERCENTAGE IS LESS THAN THE SCORE OF A BLIND PERSON IN A TEST CONDUCTED ON VISUALS” this course should set them straight.

All jokes aside, please. If you are top fragging, that doesn’t mean you are playing right. I can have 34 kills almost every other game that won’t mean I did it right. I just played back and baited my entire team or got exits every round.



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