The trollers have evolved and realized they can only get a chat ban.

Posted by Steve

Thursday, December 17, 2020 9:52 PM

Was playing some unrated to finish off the night and the jett on our team was telling the enemy team where we were and were doing some other annoying things as well. I don't get get upset at people team trolling because they seem to like that. So all I told him was that even though this is unrated you can still get banned. But this actually isn't the case tho. You only get a 72 hour chat ban fot this. I only tell people that they can get banned so they will stop or leave. But this time the troller responded and said, "You can only get chat ban for this, I have done this multiple times."

TDLR: Trolls know they can only get chat ban so they keep trolling without fear of ban.



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