The Valorant remake should be better

Posted by Steve

Monday, January 9, 2023 8:55 AM

The current Valorant remake system is pretty dumb. If someone on your team is AFK from the first round and doesnt come back till the 2nd round you get to remake!

But the thing is if they take one step and then disconnect in the 1st round, you can't remake? So someone willing to make 4 peoples day a whole lot worse just get into a game buy a shorty and Alt+F4, those 4 people just start yelling "FF" every time they die.

So the Valorant remake system should be better, my preferred remake system would be:

  1. People don't get to vote and they just remake because someone might be AFK for a bit or something happend for a bit that let their attention be somewhere else for a bit and whats the point of playing a 4v5 when you're at util disadvantage, numbers disadvantage.

  2. It shouldn't be only be voted on the 2nd round if someone is disconnected for more than 5-6 rounds then immedietly a remake should be made.

Anyway that's my opinion obviously there could be more changes but this is the best system i could think of.



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