Posted by Steve
Friday, April 7, 2023 1:14 PM
Reason One: Everything is random, and up to chance. If you like a skin you then have to wait for that specific skin on the specific gun you want it on. Which doesn't reward its smaller spenders only its whales in big bundles.
Reason Two: There are only 4 random slots, this limit is the loot pool even more meaning its harder to get the drop you want. Which almost makes the shop function like a loot box.
Reason Three: The night market literally has the exact same problem as the store but probably functions how it should. It would be nice how ever to have a re-roll feature for one of the slots.
The fix for reason one: It would be nice if the store took onto account your most used weapons and then rotated the skins for that perticulr weapons more frequently. Because the chances of you getting a skin you want are slim af.
Second point: Why not add one weapon type so you constantly had skins for each weapon rotating?
Third point: Add a re roll.
Let me know what you guys think Ik ther will be lots of different options.
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