The Valorant Tournament is Boring

Posted by Steve

Friday, March 3, 2023 8:41 PM

I've been watching countless fps tournaments and a tournament format of elimination match of BO3 without any support of what team should fight this team. There is no enough evidence if the team that will fight at the finals is the best of the best among the other teams that fought during the tournament, its like matchmaking in unrated.

I think the format should be like scoring based, a week or 4 days of teams vs teams with a scoreboard and after that the elimination with BO3 will start with a basis on the teams who will fight each other.

And this kind of format valorant tournament is adopting cannot be determined if the team that got eliminated sucks or not. It should not be used in any kind of fps tournament or should be improve.

P.S I do not support any team as I only love watching tournaments and plays happening in the tournament, so don't say that I need to just stop watching. And sorry for my bad grammar, I'm not a professional english language user unfortunately.



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