The Vandal kinda slaps...

Posted by Steve

Friday, December 4, 2020 9:53 AM

I used to be a Phantom boy through and through. I saw all the obvious benefits (silencer with no tracers, can shoot through smokes easy) but for some reason lately I've been getting held back by not finishing kills.

I had been trying to be mindful of crosshair placement, been doing more aimlabs, you name it. But I kept dying to someone I would hit for 120, 140, 145... and then watching them clutch the round out because I didnt delete them from the server with a kill.

Insanely frustrating, especially since my goal was just to get back into silver this season since I only play comp now and went from Silver 3 down for Iron 3 (Y'all ever heard of Off-White? I'm just gonna call this rank "Off-Silver" to make myself feel better)

Well yesterday, I was warming up in deathmatch and was getting annoyed I wasn't finish kills again... so I said "eff it, lets try the Vandal"

oh buddy

Though I didn't win... I got 39 and just barely lost to the other guy who I was keeping pace with.

Took this newfound revelation to comp. Hit a win streak and finally hit silver again!

Something about that guaranteed headshot kill no matter what... hits different. I'm still laughing about dinking a Brim trying to OP us at A main on Split from CT and just running, stopping and dinking him in the head for the kill and we took site no problem.

Gonna ride this out for as long as I feel like I'm performing better with the Vandal lol



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