Posted by Steve
Saturday, July 10, 2021 12:16 PM
...And I don't know how to fix it. I can reliably get kills with the pistols, SMGs, OP, shottys, even the Marshal and Guardian I can do better with -- but for whatever reason with the Big 2 I get outgunned probably 75% of the time. I've spent hours in the practice range trying to get the recoil down, and I can kill 20-25 bots on medium (w/ armor) with the phantom (almost 30 with the vandal 1 taps), but for whatever reason that doesn't seem to translate to the actual game.
I'm silver ranked for what it's worth. I also haven't been playing very long, maybe 1.5 months.
Any advice? Should I give up on those guns and just use the other options?
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