The votes are in! After 101 Games of Valorant I officially hold the WORST win percentage in my bracket. BOTTOM 1% baby!

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, February 1, 2022 6:02 PM

The votes are in! After 101 Games of Valorant I officially hold the WORST win percentage in my bracket. BOTTOM 1% baby!

There have been so many posts about the reset, MMR, How these games are "forcing" you to lose something about MM has changed whatever the case. the start of the act has been rough to say the least, but i think it's safe to say the start of my act has been worse than yours!

No matter what I do, Where I go, how a play, I just cannot for the life of me get a W. I have a 2 win streak for like the second time this Act and I am hoping this is a turnaround point. Hell there was a Haven match were I got stomped going 3-9 (KD) then turned it around to go 20-6 the second half literally every round was like a 3k or a 4k. Still lose.

You know what I learned through all of this? I am still going to que when I get home.



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