Posted by Steve
Wednesday, September 21, 2022 2:26 PM
(Check Edits after reading) I've been playing for a while now and I've gone into a decent amount of games where players started losing the first half (for ex. 0-5 ) and people start getting toxic and mad at each other. Unfortunately, this leads to one of the players being either extremely toxic and just sabotages the team or a dude just leaves because team refuses to surrender early.
The person who leaves doesn't come back most of the time but sometimes they still come back after like 5 or more rounds has passed.
What happens eventually is you lose the game due to a team disadvantage.
And when you lose, even if you get MVP or even have decent combat score compared to enemy, You lose A TON of RR (ex. -21 because game-end is like 5-13).
I got fed up as this happened again recently during a promo game to a higher rank(not tier) where I had 90/100 RR and a dude went AFK after 3rd round and never came back. We lost that match 5-13 and I lost 25 RR.
*** Edit 1 : Solution proposal
• Quitter ---> Gets massive RR loss and queue time penalty.
~ the time penalty is to stop those players queuing up with smurfs that quit the game for them, so they can't queue again afterwards.
• People who partied up with Quitter ---> Default RR loss (the RR loss is the same as it is right now).
~this is to prevent people who would abuse the rr reduction, those partied up would get default RR loss anyway.
• Random people not partied w/ the quitter---> Get reduced RR loss [ ex. if Default RR loss is (-20 RR), Reduced could become (-15) or it could vary, depending on performance. ]
~ this is to give consideration to players who got roped into these quitting players games. If they atleast tried and have good combat score then they could get better RR reduction.
Turns out this was a topic which has been brought up before and that there are loopholes on this idea, good thing its a discussion and I found out that it's still very much abusable and as much as I would like to have reduced RR system , IT IS VERY UNLIKELY TO HAPPEN.
••• Abuse Methods to Counter the Proposition
~People could literally bully other players into leaving the game so the entire team could get reduced RR:
TRASHTALKING --- People could gaslight the weakest player on the team to quit since he was the reason they are losing, so and so. Make the player feel bad and quit so that the team could get reduced RR.
BODY BLOCKING AND FRIENDLY FIRE --- Players could gang up on a random player to grief for the entirety of the game to make them want to quit, like 3 players blocking 1 person from moving, mollying teammate, flashing the teammate when they fight, causing disturbances, etc. Lots more, name it, it's possible.
... these so far are the methods i found and learned.
~~ Add queue time penalty AND/OR put them into low-priority queue just like the system they had in League of Legends to avoid further instances of these happening. Low priority queue is just placing them on less important queue, a queue with quitters/afk'ers/griefers, for a number of games (2 or 3 probably) before they get back to normal lobbies. it also takes longer time to find a match (ex. normal lobbies would be 1-2 mins,,, low-prio becomes 4-5mins)
•Personal Opinion, I'd still like to see them try the "EDIT 1" concept for atleast an Act or even just a month and see if the community would actually go through lengths to do these full on bullying just to take less RR damage. You never know until you try tho. People trying to rank up would dominate over the population of these griefers IMO and could even actually backfire and people mass report these griefers, getting them banned. Less Trolls right?? Also, why would someone who is getting trolled quit the game when he would lose the most RR and placed on low-prio queue. Realistically, that person would just be annoyed and keep reporting these dudes trolling/bullying him and end up trolling them back instead of quitting. No? But who knows. All of these are just speculations of probabilities.
TL/DR: RR Reduction is VERY VERY UNLIKELY, BUT NOT IMPOSSIBLE to happen since it could be abused through heavy full-on bullying, making the community more toxic just to save a tiny bit of RR. It isn't worth it, I guess. But we could try to group these "quitters" into a low-prio queue just like in League of Legends tho.
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