Theres something terrible Wrong in low ranked lobbies

Posted by Steve

Sunday, April 25, 2021 10:50 AM

Just had a gold 1/silver 3 game, when everyone was 1 taping each other, not even spraying, they were Sheriff taping each other, 1 guy clearly was gold ended with 1 kill and 18 deaths the other guys were somewhere with 5 kills and 10 deaths and the top guy had like 30+ kills. It was kinda funny that the SAME patter was in the opposite team a guy with 30+ kills 1 guy on botton with 0 kills and other guys with 5-10 kills. FFS i didnt even see plats or diamonds one tap like this "silver 3 guys" So this is ELO is the SMURF paradise. I really feel bad for the guys with 0 kills ,they dont deserve this.




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