Things to look out for when your insta-lock duelist is bottom fragging

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, June 9, 2021 6:02 PM

I’ve seen too many randoms bully our bottom fraggers on the team usually for the insta-lock stereotype, but there are some good and bad ones that I want to point out.

Why they might be bottom fragging:

  1. They simply are worse than the enemy duelists, and they can’t control who they face

  2. The enemy has a smurf. If you are within iron-gold, there are way too many smurfs. You cannot expect a legit bronze 3 player to 1v1 a immortal trying his best and win.

  3. They have no idea how to use their kit.

What to not do:

  1. Ask them why they are doing so shit, this is what makes them even worse. For example, you wouldn’t yell from the bleachers why your little brother is doing so bad in a soccer game.

  2. Start throwing and saving your own kda. Maybe they were just warming up and might be better than you in the late rounds. It’s always possible to win a 5-10 game.

  3. Telling them to never play duelist ever again. This has nothing to do with the game you are in and just ruins their morale.

Reasons you should be mad about:

  1. Blatantly throwing, and not even trying to defend any site.

  2. Obviously baiting you so they can get a kill.

  3. Insta-locking an agent they don’t know how to play.

  4. Not doing their job with going first and attempting a duel.



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