Things that need to be changed (my immortal teams opinion )

Posted by Steve

Saturday, March 20, 2021 9:38 PM

I've been playing this game since late beta and some things in this game doesnt make sense.

  1. Maps - I get it that they dont want us to one-trick a map, but giving us the same map in a row 3-4 times is just as bad. Id like to either choose my maps or have 0% chance of getting the same map two times in a row.
  2. Flashes - Specially Breach and Skye, that they can spam flash us for ages with almost no counterplay is awful and requires no skill. They buffed breach flashes from 1.75s->2.0s and then they gave him 3 flashes.
  3. Operator - If a jett has an operator, she can dominate the game because there's no way to refrag if she uses her dash in the right way. It doesn't matter if your team has flashes because frankly she's too broken and it feels like the operator is made for her specifically.
  4. More options to warmup - 1v1 map to play in custom mode and in an own mode would be good. If you want to play 1v1 with your friend you have to play on these big ass maps.
  5. Solo/duo "problem" - In diamond 3+ you cant play with more than 1 friend. I understand that they dont want players who dont deserver higher ranked to be boosted, but they should add a new mode for players that want to play 5v5 in high ranked lobbies.
  6. People with disabled mic - In the latest patch they removed comms restriced players from ranked. Getting teammates who disables their mic by choice, what are they doing in a ranked competitive game mode?




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