Thinking about giving up

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, December 27, 2022 4:50 PM

No matter how much I play the game and aim train in dm, there will always be players better than me and will destroy me. Been playing this game fully since feb or march and I am still bad at the game to the point where I have lost all hope in improvement. I see players who pick up the game and instantly they are 10x better than me, I am silver 1 right now which is considered below average and I pretty much feel miserable. I am starting to accept the fact that I will never be good at the game no matter what I do, I don't even want to be a high ranked player, I just want to be an average player like a silver 3 or gold player but I feel too stupid to even be that rank. Really demotivating, what are your recommendations of what I should do?



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