This game is borderline ruining my mental state

Posted by Steve

Saturday, August 21, 2021 6:31 PM

I fucking love the game mechanics, the abilities the gun play, etc. But the ranking system……… I’m not saying I should be a higher rank (plat 1) but I can’t play a good ranked game anymore. I either get teammates that are legitimately bronze 1 or play against a smurf boosting 3 of his buddies. The ranked mode in this game is in an absolutely horrible state as of right now and it is beyond frustrating. It seriously ruins my day when I can’t even play ranked games of the game I love.

And I seriously don’t wanna hear “smurfing isn’t as big of an issue as you think”, when I literally level 9 Reyna’s on the other team going 35-3. Like it’s absurd how much it happens. And I understand that you shouldn’t complain about smurfs because you wanna be at that level at some point but how are you supposed to get better at playing the players your level to then play players a little better than you, when you’re getting shit on by a smurf or you have teammates that walk around aiming at the ground.

Pros complain about the games ranked system and a massive chunk of the casual players complain about the ranked system, especially in Gold and up. I seriously believe that their ranking system will be the demise of this game if another tac fps comes along.



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