This game isn't fun anymore

Posted by Steve

Monday, November 30, 2020 12:02 AM

I currently Iron 2 player but I know I can rank as a Broze 1/2 but it seems I can't even move out of Iron range. YOU WANNA ASK ME WHY? It happens because of the biggest problems of this game afk, smurfs, people throwing way mataches. I agree I don't play best all the time but at least I choose agents that can support my team during my low days. I'm just sick of this shit like I get one taped by Iron 1 players like constantly its even difficult to peek them. When people go afk after 2 match then I can't even put up vote for remake, the ramake system should be available atleast be till 6th match. OMG Riot seriously needs to look into this game or else I'm not playing.



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